פרופ' סופי וולש

    • הגירה והסתגלות
    • התבגרות - תהליכים התפתחותיים, עבריינות ונוער בסיכון
    • יחסי בני נוער והוריהם/משפחותיהם
    • גזענות ואפליה

    Walsh, S.D. & Horenczyk, G. (2001) Gendered patterns of experience in social and cultural transition: The case of English speaking immigrants in Israel. Sex Roles, 45, 501-528

    Walsh, S.D., Shulman, S., Feldman, B., & Maurer, O. (2005) The impact of immigration on the internal processes and developmental tasks of emerging adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34, 413-426

    Walsh S.D & Shulman, S. (2006) Gender related needs, challenges and dangers in the immigration experience of emerging adults from the Former Soviet Union in Israel. Sex Roles, 54, 533-46

    Walsh, S.D, Shulman, S., Bar-On, Z. & Tsur, A. (2006) The role of parentification and family climate in adaptation among immigrant adolescents in Israel. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 16, 321-350

    Hassan-Ohayon, I., Walsh, S., Roe, D., Kravetz, S. & Weiser, M. (2006) Personal and interpersonal perceived control and the quality of life of persons with severe mental illness, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 194, 538-542.

    Shulman, S., Blatt, S.J. & Walsh, S. (2006) The extended journey and transition to adulthood: The case of Israeli backpackers. Journal of Youth Studies, 9, 233-248

    Walsh, S.D, & Shulman, S. (2007) Splits in the self following immigration: an adaptive defense or a pathological reaction? Psychoanalytic Psychology, 24, 355-372

    Tuval-Mashiach, R., Walsh, S., Harel, S., & Shulman, S. (2008). Romantic Fantasies, Cross Gender Friendships, and Romantic Experiences in Adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Research, 23, 471-487

    Walsh, S.D., Shulman, S. & Maurer, O. (2008). Immigration distress, mental health status and coping among young immigrants: a one year follow-up study. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32, 371-384

    Shulman, S., Walsh, S. D., Weisman, O., & Schelyer, M. (2009). Romantic Contexts, Sexual Behavior, and Depressive Symptoms among Adolescent Males and Females. Sex Roles, 61(11), 850-863.

    Harel-Fisch, Y., Walsh, S.D., Grinvald-Fogel, H., Amitai, G., Pickett, W., Molcho, M., Gaspar de Matos, M., Due, P., & Craig, W. (2010). Negative school perceptions and involvement in school bullying: A universal relationship across 40 countries. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 639-652

    Harel-Fisch, Y.,  Radwan, Q., Walsh, S.D., Laufer, A., Amitai, G.,  Fogel-Grinvald, H., Abdeen, Z. (2010) Psychosocial Outcomes Related to Subjective Threat from Armed Conflict Events (STACE): Findings from the Israeli-Palestinian Cross-Cultural HBSC Study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 34, 623-638

    Walsh, S. D., Harel-Fisch, Y., & Fogel-Grinvald, H. (2010). Parents, teachers and peer relations as predictors of risk behaviors and mental well-being among immigrant and Israeli born adolescents. Social Science & Medicine, 70, 976-984.

    Walsh, S.D. & Tartakovsky, E. (2011) The relationships between different components of national identities and psychosocial adjustment among high-school adolescent immigrants from Russia and Ukraine in Israel  European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8, 452-475

    Walsh, S.D. & Tuval-Mashiach, R. (2012) Ethiopian emerging adult immigrants in Israel: Coping with discrimination and racism. Youth & Society, 44, 49-75

    Walsh, S.D. & Tartakovsky, E. (2012) The mother and the motherland: internal representations among immigrant and non-immigrant adolescents. Attachment and Human Development , 14, 185-204

    Walsh, S.D., Levine, S.J. & Levav, Y. (2012) The association between depression and parental ethnic affiliation and socioeconomic status: A 27-year longitudinal US community study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 47, 1153-1158  

    Walsh, S.D., Edelstein, A., & Vota, D. (2012) The relationship between ethnic identity and suicidal ideation and behavior among Ethiopian adolescents in Israel. European Psychologist, 17, 131-142

    Harel-Fisch, Y., Abdeen, Z., Walsh, S.D., Radwan, Q., & Fogel-Grinvald, H. (2012). Multiple risk behaviors and suicidal ideation and behavior among Israeli and Palestinian adolescents. Social Science and Medicine, 12, 98-108

    Pickett, W., Molcho, M., Elgar, F., Brooks, F., de Looze, M., Rathmann, K., ter Bogt., T.F.M., Nic Gabhain, S., Sigmundova, D., Gaspar de Matos, M., Craig, W., Walsh, S.D., Harel-Fisch, Y. & Currie, C. (2013) Trends and socio-economic correlates of adolescent physical fighting in 30 countries, Pediatrics, 131, e18-e26

    Walsh, S.D., Molcho, M., Craig, W., Harel-Fisch, Y., Huynh, Q., Kukaswadia, A., Aasvee, K., Varnai, D., Ottova, V., Ravens-Sieberer, U.  & Pickett, W. (2013) Physical and emotional health problems experienced by youth engaged in violent behavior, PLoS ONE 8(2): e56403. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056403

    Sznitman, S.R., Kolobov, T., ter Bogt, T., Kuntche, E., Walsh, S.D., Boniel-Nissim, M. & Harel-Fisch, Y. (2013) Exploring Substance Use Normalization among Adolescents: A Multi-Level Study in 35 countries Social Science and Medicine, 97, 143-151

    Walsh, S.D. (2014) The bilingual therapist and transference to language: language use in therapy and its relationship to object relational context, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 24, 56-71

    Walsh, S.D., Blass, D., Bensimon-Braverman, M., Topaz Barak, L & Delayahu, Y. (2014) Characteristics of immigrant and non-immigrant patients in a dual-diagnosis psychiatric ward and treatment implications Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 10.1007/s10903-014-9982-1

    Walsh, S.D., Djalovski, A., Boniel Nissim, M. & Harel-Fisch, Y. (2014) Parental and peer relationships and school experiences as predictors of alcohol drinking among first and second generation immigrant adolescents in Israel Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 138, 39-47

    Sznitman, S.R., Kolobov, T., ter Bogt, T., Kuntche, E., Walsh, S.D., & Harel-Fisch, Y. (2015). Investigating Cannabis Use Normalization by Distinguishing between Experimental and Regular Use: A Multi-Level Study in 31 countries. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 181-189

    Molcho, M., Walsh, S.D, Donnelly, P., de Matos, M. G., & Pickett, W. (2015). Trend in injury-related mortality and morbidity among adolescents across 30 countries from 2002 to 2010. The European Journal of Public Health, 25(suppl 2), 33-36.

    Chester, K.L. Callaghan, M., Cosma, A.,Donnelly, P., Craig, W., Walsh, S.D & Molcho, M. (2015). Cross-national time trends in bullying victimisation among children aged 11, 13 and 15 from 2002 to 2010. European Journal of Public Health, 25 (suppl2), 61-64

    Walsh, S.D., Fogel-Grinvald, H. & Schneider, S. (2015). Discrimination and ethnic identity as predictors of substance use and delinquency among immigrant adolescents from the FSU and Ethiopia in Israel. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 942-963.

    Stevens, G.W.J.M, Walsh, S.D., Huijts, T., Maes, M., Rich Madsen, K., Cavallo, F., & Molcho, M.  (2015) An Internationally Comparative Study of Immigration and Adolescent Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Effects of Generation and Gender Journal of Adolescent Health, 57, 587-594

    Elgar, F.J, McKinnon, B., Walsh, S.D. Freeman, J Donnelly, P Gaspar de Matos, M., Gariepy, G; Aleman-Diaz, A.Y., Pickett, W, Molcho, M., & Currie, C. (2015). Structural determinants of youth bullying and fighting in 79 countries Journal of Adolescent Health, 57, 643-650  

    Tartakovsky, E., & Walsh, S.D. (2016) Testing a new theoretical model for attitudes toward immigrants: the case of social workers attitudes toward asylum seekers in Israel. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 47, 72-96

    Walsh, S.D., De Clerq, B., Molcho, M., Harel-Fisch, Y., Davison, C., Rich Madsen, K., & Stevens, G.W.J.M. (2016). The relationship between immigrant school composition, classmate support and involvement in physical fighting and bullying among adolescent immigrants and non-immigrants in 11 countries. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 1-16.

    Madsen, K.R., Daamsgard, M.T., Rubin, M., Jervelund, S.S., Lasgaard, M., Walsh S.D., Stevens, G.W.J.M. (2016). Loneliness and Ethnic Composition of the School Class: A Nationally Random Sample of Adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence (published online DOI 10.1007/s10964-016-0432-3)

    Madsen, K.R., Damsgaard, M.T., Nielsen, S.S., Christensen, U., Stevens, G.W.J.M., Walsh, S.D., Due, P., Koushede, V., Nielsen, L & Holstein, B.E. (2016, online first) Loneliness, country of origin and ethnic self-identification: National representative study of adolescents. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1137754

    Tartakovsky, E. & Walsh, S.D. (2016) Burnout among social workers working with immigrants from the Former Soviet Union and Ethiopia in Israel: Testing the connections between personal value preferences, immigrant appraisal and burnout. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 53, 39-53

    Michaelson, V., Brooks, F., Jirasek, I., Inchley, J., Whitehead, R., King, N., Walsh, S.D., Davison, C.M., Mazur, J. & Pickett, W. (2016). Developmental patterns of adolescent spiritual health in six countries. Social Science and Medicine Population Health, 2, 294-303

    Stevens, G.WJ.M & Walsh, S.D. (2016). Deepening our understanding of risk and resilience factors for mental health problems in refugee youth: A plea for scientific research. Journal of Adolescent Health, 58, 582-583 (invited response to letter to the editor)

    Walsh, S.D., Sagis, M., & Gross, A. (2017) Emotional alienation as a mediator of the relationship between perceived discrimination and alcohol use among immigrant adolescents in Israel, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. doi.org/10.1080/15332640.2017.1300555

    Tartakovsky, E., Walsh, S.D.,  Patrakov, E. &  Nikulina, M (2017) Between Two Worlds? Value Preferences of Immigrants Compared to Local-Born Populations in the Receiving country and in the Country of Origin  Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology 48, 835–853

    Shulman, S.,  Seiffge-Krenke, I.,  & Walsh, S.D. (2017) Is Sexual Activity during Adolescence Good for Future Romantic Relationships? Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46, 1867-1877

    Barsties, L.S., Walsh, S.D., Huijts, T., Bendtsen, P., Molcho, M., Buijs, T., Vieno, A., Elgar, F.J. & Stevens, G.W.J.M (2017). Alcohol consumption among first- and second-generation immigrant and native adolescents in 23 countries: Testing the importance of origin and receiving country alcohol prevalence rates. Drug and Alcohol Review, 36, 769-778

    Tartakovsky, E. & Walsh, S.D. (2018) Value preferences of Social Workers. Social Work, 63, 115-124

    Devries, K., Knight, L., Petzold, M.,  Merrill, K.G., Maxwell, L., Williams, A., Cappa, C., Chan, K.L., Garcia-Moreno, C., Hollis, N., Kress, H., Peterman, A., Walsh, S.D., Kishor, S., Guedes, A., Bott, S., Butrón, B., Watts, C., Abrahams, N. (2018) Who perpetrates violence against children? A systematic analysis of age and sex specific data. BMJ Pediatrics Open, 2:e000180. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2017-000180

    Walsh, S.D., Kolobov, T., Reiz, Y., Boniel-Nissim, M. Tessler, R & Harel-Fisch, Y. (2018). The role of identity and psychosomatic symptoms as mediating the relationship between discrimination and risk behaviors among immigrant adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 64, 34-47

    Chamiel, E. & Walsh, S.D. (2018) “House arrest” or “developmental arrest”? a study of youth under house arrest. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 62 (4), 4381-4402,

    Rozmann, N. & Walsh, S.D. (2018). Perceived threat, blaming attribution, victim ethnicity and punishment. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 66, 34-40

    Walsh, S.D., Kolobov, T. & Harel-Fisch, Y. (2018). Social Capital as a Moderator of the Relationship between Perceived Discrimination and Alcohol and Cannabis Use among Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Adolescents in Israel Frontiers in Psychology. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01556

    Madjar, N., Walsh S.D., Harel-Fisch, Y. (2018). Suicidal ideation and behaviors within the school context: Perceived teacher, peer and parental support. Psychiatry Research, 269, 185-190

    Walsh, S.D., Tartakovsky, E. &Shifter Weber, M. (2018). Personal values and immigrant appraisal as predictors of voluntary contact with immigrants among majority students in Israel. International Journal of Psychology. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12531

    Bruckauf, Z. & Walsh, S.D. (2018). Adolescents' multiple and individual risk behaviors: Examining the link with high sugar consumption across 26 industrialised countries. Social Science and Medicine, 216, 133-141

    Walsh, S.D., Kolobov, T., & Simanovskaya, O. (in press). What is it about perceived discrimination that can lead immigrant adolescents to alcohol use and delinquency? The Mediating Role of Feelings of Alienation. Substance Use and Misuse

    Elgar, F.J, Donnelly, P.D., Michaelson, V., Gariepy, G., Riehm, K.E., Walsh, S.D. & Pickett, W. (2018) Corporal punishment bans and physical fighting in adolescents: an ecological study of 88 countries. BMJ Open. 8:e021616. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2018-021616


    In Hebrew:

     Walsh, S.D. and Yonas, A. (2012) "Connected but moving onwards… keeping the balance": Successful Ethiopian women in Israel. Society and Welfare.

     Walsh, S.D., Tuval-Mashaich, R., & Shai, E. (2013). Coping with discrimination and Racism among emerging adult Ethiopians in Israel. Megamot 

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 07/10/2024